Our company believes in quality products and thus employs strict and stringent rules at every level of product manufacturing, right from the designing phase till the last phase of finishing the product and delivering it to the client so as to make sure that our company is delivering products of high quality.
Alfa Entech products adhere to the various standards like IBR (Indian Boiler Regulation Act), BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards), ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), DIN (Deutsches Institut fur Normung) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization).
- It follows various related standards and specifications for their quality products whose quality quotient is checked and tested at every step and phase of product manufacturing which is done under full vigilance.
- Moreover, Alfa Entech has its own set, totally independent quality control systems like Pneumatic Testing, Hydro Testing, X-RAY and Radiography Tests and inspection of all longitudinal and circumferential weld joints.
- For the fabrication of coils of high quality, Alfa Entech has the latest and the highest precision standards for delivering the best quality coils.
- Statistical quality control and quality assurance for each part
- Continuous self certification programs
- Quality improvement goals
- Comprehensive testing
- Overall, the quality and workmanship is controlled by a professional management/engineering team, which keeps a check at the product at every stage of designing, engineering procurement and manufacturing.
In house quality assurance steps,